[All Orders - CRM] *Use 1) Check the app.config (AO7Installer.exe.config) Ensure that the config is set to Auto 2) Run the installer .exe as administrator *Config AppSettings 1) StartAction When this is set to "Auto", the program will detect what operation should be done If the configured website root cannot be found, it will default to install 2) ManualConnection When set to "true" the db connection info is asked for via popup window during an install or update 3) Ao6LibConnection When set to "true" the db connection info will be aquired through the currently installed All Orders Desktop application The last company file opened will determine the db info returned 4) CheckVersion When set to "true" the installer will check the currently install All Order Desktop for the current version specified in the RequiredVersion setting If the current version isn't greater than or equal to the required version, the install will stop Only used when installing 5) RequiredVersion The version to be used by CheckVersion The format used is Major.Minor.Revision.Build 6) SkipCheckIIS When set to "true" the install prerequisite check for IIS will be skipped 7) SkipSetupPermissions When set to "true" the install permission setup step will be skipped IIS_IUSRS and NETWORK SERVICE will not be added to the required folders 8) SkipWebConfigSetup When set to "true" the install web.config setup will be skipped The connection string will not be set 9) SkipIISAddition When set to "true" the install website to IIS step will be skipped 10) RunPostScripts When set to "true" run the sql scripts in the configured PostScriptDirectory name The scripts are run sequentially based on file name 11) UseVersion This is used to decide whether or not to use the following "Version" setting. "false" = don't use, "true" = use If the version is not used, then the customer database will be queried to get the current version 12) Version This is the version used by the script updating section of the updater Only scripts that are newer than the set version are run 13) SkipDbBackup When the value is set to "true", the database will not be backed up because updating scripts A warning popup will be shown notifying the user to take a manual backup and allowing the user to cancel the update by selecting "no" (do you wish to continue?) 14) UseWebsiteRoot When the value is set to "true", the config "WebsiteRoot" is used to determine where to locate the AOW7 website path When set to "false", the user will be prompted to provide a location instead 14) WebsiteRoot This value is set to the default website location When updating a system with a non default install location, set this path to the Aow7 install path 15) PostScriptDirectory This is the name of the directory in the AO7Installer.exe directory *Prerequisites 1) .Net 4.0+ This is checked by the installer and its a reference to Microsoft ".NET" This is easy to google and download from an official microsoft website 2) IIS 7 This is a reference to Microsoft Internet Information Services. You can google how to enable this feature as its a part of windows https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh167503(v=nav.90).aspx a) ASP.NET If ASP.NET isn't installed, follow these instructions (if the above also didn't enable it) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4890245/how-to-add-asp-net-4-0-as-application-pool-on-iis-7-windows-7 b) ASP.NET on windows server 12 or windows 8 In windows server 12 and windows 8, there is an extra step to enable ASP.NET in IIS: (Refer to the Resolution section) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2736284/how-to-install-asp.net-4.5-on-windows-8-and-windows-server-2012 3) All Order Version This is an optional requirement that can be turned on or off The installer app.config setting "CheckVersion" value can be set to "false" to disable it When enabled, it uses the "RequiredVersion" setting to determine what version of NC is required 4) All Orders Database Connection There are currently three ways that the system is able to get the db connection; which are app.config settings a) ManualConnection -> Allows the user to specify the db connection info b) Ao6LibConnection -> The Ao6Lib file is loaded from NC with the last company file; which has the db settings c) NcFileConnection -> The NC file found at a pre-determined location is loaded; which has the db settings 5) ASP.NET State Services This checks to see if the ASP.NET State Service is currently running This service must be running and should be set to start on startup (in case the machine turns off) The windows services can be viewed by opening run -> services.msc (or by searching for "services" in the start menu) *Install 1) Backup Database Backup the database to the C:\SQL folder If the database to very large, this will fail. Change the app.config to enable manual backup -> ! Make sure you manually backup the database and then rerun the installer 2) Setting Up Folder Structure This will create all of the required folders in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder 3) Unpacking Website Unpackages the website within the folder that the installer .exe is in Then moves the files and folders to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder Will also setup the security permissions for the website 4) Configuring Website Sets the db connection string in the web.config The connection used is what it was configured to use in the app.config 5) Adding Website to IIS Adds the website to IIS and ensures that the correct app pool and site is used (or it will create them) 6) Updating the Database Run all scripts in the UpdateAOW7.mdb The logger will contain all errors for when a script fails with UpdateAOW7.mdb -> Most installs should have a number of errors. This is normal. -> Some of the scripts preform actions that are expected to fail or are ok to fail -> Ex: Anything that says "already exists" *Post-Install 1) After you click the finish button, the program will attempt to open a chrome browser window If the client doesn't have chrome, an exception will be shown. -> Just close the installer and navigate to the ao6start login page -> The default setup should have the ao6start login page located at: http://localhost/aow7/ao6start/login -> If this path doesn't work, then go to the IIS website for AOW7 and select the "Browse" link in the "Actions" section -> From there you'll be able to replace the url part of "/login" with "/ao6start/login" to get where you need to be 2) Ao6start requires that you supply the username and password of the Admin user for All Orders Desktop. This is usually the user with Id of 38 in the database. The user could be named "admin" but if its not you'll need to supply that name -> After supplying the AOD admin user, you'll provide the login info for the new admin user for AOW 3) If successful, you'll be redirected to the login page where you can now login with the newly created admin user *Possible issues - During the install process, there appears to be an issue where the permission in windows 10 where they are not set in the correct order You will get an error like: "access control list is not in canonical form" To resolve this, add the following permissions to the wwwroot folder: 1) IIS_IUSRS -> Full Control 2) NETWORK SERVICE -> Full Control - If during the aow7/ao6start/login process you see an "object reference" error, it's most likely that the admin user could not be found Make sure you're using the correct admin user. Try clearning the admin password and make sure the browser auto-fill doesn't enter a password for that user